Many of you read an AOL article in 1997 that told you that TRT caused heart attacks, right? I mean, be honest, if you haven’t done much research, there’s a fantastic chance that you think it’s dangerous to inject testosterone. I enjoy debunking these myths.
Testosterone and Ambition
I woke up this morning around 5:00. I got ready for my day and began working from my home office at 6:00. By 9:00 I had accomplished more than I could have in a full day “pre trt.” That’s not to say that testosterone is a “magic pill,” but that is to say that it has done wonders for my ambition, drive, focus, and cognition. In my productive 3 hours I came across a recent study on “Testosterone and the Cardiovascular System” that made me smile. The study was a randomized controlled trial and I’ll link it here.
There’s a ton of good info in the study, but I like to summarize/provide the conclusions for those of us that aren’t scientists by trade. To go one step further, I’ll bullet point it for you:
Testosterone does improve cardiac ischemia in men with chronic stable angina
Testosterone does improve VO2 max in men with chronic heart failure
Testosterone reduces fat mass and increase lean mass as well as reduces waist circumference
Testosterone improves insulin resistanceThere is no evidence to support adverse or benefit to plaque